The Albino Deer Herd In Northern Wisconsin Is Quite Magical To Witness

White tailed deer are very common in the U.S., so common in fact that their numbers have exploded in the suburbs of most U.S. cities in the Midwest and out East. However, one type of deer remains quite rare. Albino deer, also known as "white ghost deer," live "a private life in the northern Wisconsin woods," according to PBS. Captured here by photographer Jeff Richter, the albino deer there appear to be almost mythical.

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Boulder Junction, Wisconsin is home to Wisconsin's largest herd of albino deer. The albino deer herd of Boulder Junction is one of Wisconsin's great natural treasures. Sometimes referred to as white deer or ghost deer, these white-tailed deer are true albinos. They all exhibit the pure white coats as well as pink noses, ears and hooves. Being able to see one of Boulder Junction's albino deer is an unforgettable experience. During the spring, summer and fall, the bright coloration of these white deer makes them easy to spot among the forest foliage. During the winter, the white coats of the albino deer blends in with the snowy surroundings, making them appear as ghosts moving across the landscape.