Photos Of Frozen 'Ghost Apples' Are Going Viral. What Are They?

These amazing frozen 'ghost apples' have been found by a farmer after a particularly cold snap in Michigan, USA. While they might look like the fruity version of Cinderella's glass slipper, they're actually made out of ice! But where do they come from? Can you eat ghost apples?

Some of you may be wondering if this is too good to be true. Are they legitimately real things, or is this a rather glorious sleight of hand? At this point, I can't say for sure. If there are any horticulturalists out there that might have any insight as to how these apples formed, or how rare the set of circumstances need to be for ghost apples to appear, please do get in touch. Sietsema, who studied horticulture himself at Michigan State University, said that he understands that the pictures might provoke some skepticism because they are certainly quite strange. Saying that, he says that he's sure it's happened before, but added that "most pruners are hard at work instead of taking pictures like me."