Meet Frederik The Great, A Stunning Friesian Stallion From The United States

He's the real life Black Beauty. And Frederik The Great, a breathtakingly beautiful Friesian stallion from the United States, may just be the world's most handsome horse. Sharing his name with the ruler of Prussia from 1740-1786, the highly acclaimed horse has a muscular build, striking black features and flowing mane.

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"Real-life Black Beauty", "Storybook Stallion", or "Fabio of Horses" are just some of the flattering nicknames people use when referring to Frederick the Great, a 16-year-old Friesian stallion and proud holder of the unofficial title of "world's most beautiful horse". Born in the Netherlands, Frederick was imported into the United States by Stacy Nazario, owner of Pinnacle Fiesians, a horse farm in Arkansas, when he was 6 years old. Nazario said that she knew there was something special about him the first time she saw him, and her instincts proved correct, as Frederick grew into a magnificent specimen that has been known to make humans jealous of his looks.