First UK Wild Bison Calf in Millennia Is Born, Surprising Rangers (Pics & Video)

The unexpected arrival at a pioneering rewilding project in Kent is as significant as she is adorable. Back in July, three female bison made history after being reintroduced to a reserve in Kent, UK, as the first wild roaming bison in Britain for thousands of years. Now, the pioneering rewilding project is making history again with the arrival a bouncing little baby bison that has surprised rangers. It is the first wild bison born in the UK in millennia. You can watch video below the article.

On September 9, bison rangers spotted the herd after not seeing them for a couple of days, and were to discover that their numbers grew from three to four. It was unknown to them that the younger adult female had been pregnant as European bison (Bison bonasus) conceal their pregnancies to protect themselves from predators. "The calf has come on leaps and bounds – literally," said Tom Gibbs, one of the rangers who happily report that the young female calf is doing well, enjoying circling the adults and copying them in their famous dust bath rolling habit.