This Video Of A Baby Duck Falling Asleep With A Flower On Its Head Will Heal Your Soul

If recent times have felt a little rough, remember you're not alone. Also, remember there's a video of a baby duck falling asleep after someone puts a flower on its head that's important too. During the challenging moments of life, luckily, there's the internet, which is full of cats, dogs, and ducklings. Of course, if you don't spend 24/7 surfing the web, such videos might get overlooked, but that's what we're here for! Recently, one such cuteness overload went viral on Twitter, and it sure put a smile on many people's faces. Originally shared by the Instagram account for Mother The Mountain Farm, the footage made rounds on social media. The adorable video of a duckling falling asleep gathered over 800k likes in almost no time on Twitter, and over 45k views on Instagram. This just proves just how much we need more content like this.