The Top 16 Chicken Breeds for Your Backyard Flock

Barred Rock: Barred Plymouth Rocks, or just barred rocks, are some of the sweetest, most inquisitive, quirky birds we've ever had. They are very friendly, intelligent, and great with kids. I hate to play favorites, but of the nine different chickens we have had now, Dottie and Zoey take the cake. They're the ones who always come running first, follow closest, and are most inclined to jump up for a cuddle. They also have a reputation for being talkative, but with a distinct sweet, softer coo and chatter, much different than the others in the flock. These black and white spotted cuties are steady layers of large, light brown eggs. You can expect an average of four to five eggs per week while they're actively laying. Barred rocks have a large single comb, and are both heat and cold tolerant. This breed can take well to confinement but are happiest when they can range freely.