15 Interesting Facts About Adorable Clownfish (With Pictures)

1. Clownfish live in poison The home of clownfish is an anemone. An anemone is a living creature too, but they are poisonous meaning clownfish live in poison. How does this happen? Well, it is a symbiotic relationship. Clownfish use the anemone as their home where they live and care for babies. Sea anemone also protects the clownfish from predators. In return, the sea anemone receives a few things from the clownfish. The clownfish will keep the anemone clean, provide nutrients in the form of waste and protect the anemone from predators. A big reason why clownfish can survive the sting of a sea anemone is that their body is coated with mucus. Most clownfish have this mucus coating, so they are also immune to the sting of a sea anemone. If the mucus is ever removed from their body, it is believed the clownfish would no longer be protected from the sea anemone sting. The mucus is a reason why the clownfish is the only fish in the sea to not be stung by the poisonous tentacles of an anemone.